While anchored in Muddy Bay, Airlie Beach, we had many occasions to meet the real 'Fair Dinkum' Aussies. Among the many, we found one couple most interesting. Todd and Tracy of the catamaran 'Gone Surfing'.


 Todd                             Tracy

This 40' x 20' custom built catamaran took Todd and Tracy 9 years to build in their back yard shed in Geraldton Western Australia while raising 2 children.  

Upon completion of construction the house was demolished to bring in a crane for loading
the catamaran onto a truck for transporting 3km to the sea.


Meticulous calculations were made to assure when the boat was finished it could safely be removed  between two large trees.  However, while it took 9 years to built the boat, the trees had grown.  Fortunately it skimmed by on both sides with only inches to spare.

                                      Gone Surfin' in the Kimberly's

Every inch of this beautiful cruising boat is professionally done and sails like a dream.



Yes, after cruising up the western coast, several months in the Kimberly's and now in Airlie Beach Qld. Australia, sailing catamaran Gone Surfin' is now for sale.  Todd and Tracy have no problem giving up their pride and joy.   They are excited and ready to go into production and



Master Mariner Peter and wife Camile
Serving us Yanks a real Aussie PRAWN SANDWICH dinner aboard 'Sebranzer'

After a harrowing entrance through  the narrow Bowen Boat Harbor channel, s/v Ariel was maneuvering into a position of - bow over a loading dock - when out of no where appears
'Crocodile Dundee'
Gayla had just completed a difficult jump off the bow onto the dock, when this very Aussie bloke in a dinghy with a very Aussie accent offered to help........a moment too late.  
 "Bonzer jump, mate.  Just waiting to see if it would land you's in the water". 
Actually Peter was just not quite there to help when I needed him but he and his wife were certainly there to take care of us our entire stay in Bowen.  Peter got us tied to the pile moorings then invited us over to his boat to meet Camile his wife,
Gizmo the dog and Picallo the gecko.  

Peter has built 32 boats!   He is a master Mariner, an expert varnisher and  has rebuilt 'SEBRANZER' a 50' trawler into a beautiful home.  Camile is an Aussie but born in Papua New Guinea and raised in Dubai.  She is very artistic, keeps the boat immaculate and made us the best prawn sandwich dinner.  Since Gayla does not eat shrimp, she got Gizmo's dinner of roasted chicken. 
Two of the nicest people, real Aussie's, real down to earth people.
         "No worries mate, she be roight"



               (aka BEACH BUM)


Bob, often referred to as 'Roberto', is a 74 year old beach bum living on his home built catamaran in the back wash off Magnetic Island near Townsville Australia.  His father lived to be 104 and his grandfather 107 years old. 

While Bob has a penchant for playing NUDE GOLF in front of his home on the beach, the authorities turn a blind eye to the one and only truly illegally anchored vessel on the Queensland coast. 

When asked where he gets his power and water his reply:
"from the son - the son of God, Jesus Christ!"

We met Bob as we were about to hike a trail over the mountain to Balding Bay.
"You will have to wait at least an hour, they have rolled up the trail and are vacuuming it off"

Bob not only had a sense of humor he was very adamant in his belief that ....
"Darwin's Origin of the Species is a fake"
 He believed Darwin gathered  up all the different species of animals and put them all in one place, the Galapagos Islands. 


He had built the pontoons of his house boat out of steel drums and kept a very neat house inside.

If you ever meet Bob, the Sandologist, as he calls himself, out playing a game of nude golf or sweeping up on the deck of his illegal home, you may find him a very interesting character, one that will no doubt be around for a long time as one of Darwin's more lively species.  And if you wonder how he can afford to live in such an extravagant home called the Sheraton of Townsville it may be from selling these home made shell bikini bottoms.  (No top included)