Hokkaido is the northernmost and second largest island of Japan's 4 major
islands. It has a frontier like atmosphere considering it contains only 5%
of the nations population. It's true essence is found in it's vast nature. This
is why we chose to begin our bicycling tour here away from the crowds and a
place to become accustomed to the culture which is still unmistakably
Japanese. It is known for some of the best camping, wider roads and hot springs.

After 22 days
circling in a counter clockwise direction we ended up bicycling 1165.9km in
Hokkaido. Our accommodations, which were mostly camping, cost us $80 plus
that one $53 night in a youth hostel. Those famous onsens and sentos added
up to $170 worth of luxury. Other expenses such as laundry, massage
chairs, and museums all added
up to only $80. That leaves our biggest expense for fuel which was our
food expense. Most were from those Seicomart stops as well as a few wonderful
meals out on the town for us and our hosts on three different occasions, which
ended up a whopping $700.
The road system
was easy and well marked, often times also in English. There were lots of
wide sidewalks for bikes and mostly wide shoulders for good safe bicycling.
We chose this means of travel
for a much closer look at nature, getting to know the people and seeing Japan
close up. We were not disappointed!
We feel our time in Hokkaido
was one of the most luxurious bicycling tours we have ever experienced.
was due mainly to the hospitality of the Japanese who invited us into their
homes as well as the best equipped and convenient camp grounds which were always
near those exquisite, relaxing wonderfully indulgent hot spring onsens and

Having said that
we blew it all on two $94 tickets on the Shin Nikonkai ferry from Tomakomai
Hokkaido to Tsuruga Honshu!!
Folding our bikes in their little black carry on
bags and dragging our Samsonite trailers onto the ferry, did not fool anyone!
After contemplating telling them the bags contained a tuba and cello we ended up
paying the extra $27 apiece for the bikes. Next time we will put the bikes
in the suitcase as they are designed to do and carry our STUFF in the black bag
or easier yet just wheel them on board.
We are learning the advantages of Bike Friday's.
 In the end the
ferry was all very luxurious with a wonderful onsen.....yes, on the ferry
soaking in a huge hot tub with a bubbling fountain and a fabulous view of the Japan
Sea floating by.
with us while we regroup and find our way into an entirely different
environment on the island of Honshu.
Steve is resting much easier and is much mellower now that he has
lightened his load by posting off a 17 pound box of his STUFF!
My contribution..3 pair of socks and the seal and bear meat!!